What I love the most about half-term holidays is having time to sit here in the morning, drink a cup of tea and reach out to my community through my blog posts. It is a place where we can connect personally, even though we are apart and my words are here for you at the right time that suits you and enables you to read them. This is the beauty of technology and how it can store what is on my mind and share it with you long after I have written it.
This morning the word I am choosing is “Reflection”. I choose this word because with my life moving at 1,000 miles an hour during term time, the slower mornings (like today) are a blessing to sit down, reflect on everything, and see how far we have come and how far we have yet to go. Sometimes, we can get so caught up in the rat race that we forget about the “here and now” and we don’t see the wood for the trees, which can take our focus away from what truly matters and what should be valued: life itself. Life is a gift and each day we are alive and breathing, this should be valued as the gift that keeps on giving until it no longer gives anymore. With all that being said, this is where reflection steps in and provides you with insight into what has happened. what you have experienced, what is positive, what was negative, how it could be made better, how you can make better choices next time and how to feel about everything just mentioned.
Below I am going to provide you with 4 simple, but effective reflecting questions that will help you become more focused in the moment and provide you with a powerful moment of reflection.

Question 1: How are you feeling at this moment in time?
My Answer: Calm, I feel relaxed knowing I don’t have to rush around this morning and can enjoy drinking a cuppa of tea and writing this blog post.
Question 2: What is this moment teaching you right now?
It is making me realise how much I miss writing, and how long it has been since I sat down and wrote something.
Question 3: What is this moment also teaching you?
That to write more I need to focus my attention on finding time to write and I can only do this by becoming aware of where I am placing time into meaningless things.
Question 4: What is the positive about this morning’s reflection?
That just by asking myself 4 little questions I have become clearer that it is up to me to identify where I am wasting time and then turn that wasted time into a productive time and write. After all, writing is my passion, I miss it. So, to write more it is me that needs to take action to make it happen, and I can only make it happen by taking action.
How these questions can help you
The four questions I have written above are designed to be simple, yet very effective for a morning reflection that can help you check in with yourself and become aware of how you feeling in the moment, what this moment is teaching you and how you can then go that one step further by asking “What else is this moment teaching me right now?”. This can then be followed up by what was positive about this reflection. What did you learn that you wouldn’t have learned if you had not taken time to reflect this morning? Although my answers will be completely different to your answers, the questions will still have the same effect of making you reflect on the “Here and now” and providing you with an opportunity to change it, make it better and check in with yourself all at the same time.
As for me, well, I have just set myself up for accountability because each time you come into the community centre now you can ask me what I have done to write more this week. How did I make my reflection into better life choices? Which in return will keep me on my toes and see it through. If you would like to share your morning reflections with me, then please do so by copying and pasting the questions into the comment box below and answering the questions with your answers.
Have a great week and thank you so much for taking the time to read my post.
Until Next Time, Your Friend for the Journey

Kate xxx 🙂
( Pronouns: She/Her)
International Best Selling Author and CEO of New Pasture Lane Community Centre Registered Charity No 700422
DISCLAIMER: These blog posts are in no way shape or form to provide any professional advice and are for entertainment purposes only. The author/s takes no personal responsibility or liability for any person/s who chooses to use the methods in their own lives.